
Saturday 30 November 2013

Hampered by the weather...

This week I have been very busy flying….mainly filling out cancellation forms. The last few days have been unfavourable in terms of the weather for flying, with gusting winds (today we have had 30kts of crosswind, the limit which for me is 8kts). There has also been heavy rain and low cloud, so all in all not that great. The forecast has given a few sunny days starting tomorrow, but it is only supposed to last 3 days before it returns to raining.

When the rain wasn’t around at the beginning of the week, I was able to complete 3 flights. Two of the flights were my first 2 solo-navigation flights which were the reverse tracks of the first 2 navigation flights with my instructor. These were really great fun and allowed me to get away from Hamilton and explore more of New Zealand. I managed to maintain my plan and with the sun shining, there was plenty of camera-action, some of the pictures I have attached below and to the 'photos' page. The 3rd flight was an instrument flight, flying to and landing at 2 other controlled airports. My next flight will be doing this flight again, in the reverse.

My plane, fresh out the hangar

Kawhia Harbour

Waikato River - tracking back towards Hamilton

Away from flying, we have been joined by two more of our CP106 coursemates. Both arrived at Clearways on Friday afternoon after enduring the 28-hour flight and have both moved in next to me. It seems surreal that their arrival now means that we are just over a quarter of the way through our New Zealand stage.

I leave you with a quick question; can you spot whats wrong with this plane? The answer is below.

Whats wrong???

*If you didn’t get it, look for the missing wing. I have no idea why its wing was missing, but I hope to not be flying that aircraft soon*

   Update: My 2013 Christmas Advent Calendar Is Now Up Ready For Chocolate Feasting

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