
Saturday 15 February 2014

First Simulator Flights....

After finishing 2 days of groundschool this week, I have managed to do my first two simulator flights in the DA42 sim. It means I have completed the first 2, of 36 flights, left remaining in New Zealand (+3 VFR Night Flights).

The first sim session focused on increasing our understanding of the 'instrument-scan' required in the new glass-cockpit, which we have been introduced to. An instrument scan is effectively a pattern we follow when trying to achieve a certain stage of flight. 

For example, in a climb we want to achieve a set attitude, speed and direction. So like the image below, we look at the position of the yellow chevron in the centre, then look at the airspeed on the left, back to the chevron, then to the direction indicator below and back to the chevron. We then continually repeat this cycle to maintain our desired conditions and make sure we don't wander off.

Climbing Instrument Scan
As well as going through these instrument scans, we also did some general handling including taking-off and landing - a bit of practise is needed here!!!!

The second simulator flight, which took just over an hour, introduced us to tracking towards and from a VOR - a navigational aid. Understanding these navigational aids is quite important, especially when the next two simulator flights are 'VOR holds' and 'VOR approaches'.

I've been quite lucky with scheduling this week, as I have my third simulator flight tomorrow. If this goes ahead, it means I only have 3 more simulator flights to do before getting to go lose in an actual aircraft above Hamilton.

I also managed to make a trip down to Lake Taupo this week for a day. Unfortunately due to the cloud, we were unable to see the peaks of the surrounding volcanic mountains; however we did get to see Huka Falls (New Zealand's biggest natural visitor attraction) and the Taupo McDonald's (the official coolest McDonald's in the worlds - due to a DC3 making up part of the restaurant).

Huka Falls - 220 000 Litres Pass Every Second
Taupo's McDonald's

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